Trust Repair, Part 1


We all have experienced broken trust and suffered from its consequences of grief, betrayal, and insecurity. You may feel like trust is no longer a possibility or you may wonder whether you want to even dare to trust again, whether it be trusting God or another person. You may not be fully aware of the results of broken trust in your life, but they are real and widespread. Here is a list of some of the ways you may have been affected by broken trust in your own life:

  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Disappointment
  • Broken Discernment
  • Negativity
  • Poverty mindset
  • Insomnia
  • Confusion
  • Hurt
  • Unforgiveness

It is clear that the enemy’s agenda is to destroy your life, and his first line of attack is to go after the area of trust. But God’s agenda is to help restore your trust and set you up to gain His full inheritance. In God’s authority and Kingdom, trust is a powerful tool to transfer wealth. We see this process displayed in the parable of the talents. It required trust for the master to give from his wealth to his servants. If he didn’t have trust in them, he wouldn’t have been able to transfer his wealth to them. When we understand the power of trust, we then understand what a powerful currency it is in our lives and relationships. Trust brings change: change to our marriages, our relationships, our view of our image, fulfillment of our dreams, to name just a few.

Often, the word wealth conjures up definitions in our mind that are focused around financial prosperity, but wealth defined from a kingdom perspective is so much more. It includes emotional stability, wisdom, discernment, decision-making ability, peace, calm, rest, authority, impactfulness, sound mind, financial contentment, healthy marriages, creativity, innovation, and the list goes on.

Trust is a behavior, born out of right thinking and healed emotions. We will explore these two fundamentals in this course. The results will bring restoration in right thinking and healthy emotions.

With this class, we will give you 4 keys to create right godly thinking and 4 additional keys to help you live with healthy emotions. This course is prayerfully designed to see your trust repaired and help you experience the inheritance of wealth that God has for your life.

If you are ready to be healed from broken trust in your life, this course was designed with you in mind. I hope to see you in this class.

Remembering His Promises,
Ravi Kandal


Course Information

Estimated Time: 4 Online Sessions

**Classes and Homework are hosted on this platform for lifetime access.

Course Instructors

Ravi Kandal Ravi Kandal Coach

With the leading of the Lord in a time of personal need, Ravi Kandal encountered radical transformation. This brought about a complete shift for him personally. Now, marked with new-found freedom, he understood this experience was not just for him. He had a message to help bring freedom to others. This season extended into three years of development, producing what is now the RT4 coaching process. RT4 has been a life-changing experience for many. He counts it a privilege to journey with you to radical transformation.

Julie Kandal Julie Kandal Instructor

Julie is married to Ravi Kandal, and they founded Kingdom Foundations together in 2004. Both share a passion to see the love of Christ to encounter those living in darkness with tangible expressions of love and freedom. Currently, they reside with their four biological children in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, where they minister truth and destiny through God’s word. Separated by the ocean, but united as a family, their eight Indian, adult, adopted children reside in India.

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Payment Plan

per month for 3 total payments

1 thought on “Trust Repair, Part 1”

  1. Thank you! Looking forward to it! Blessings on your travel and weddings 😊😊

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