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Course Introduction
In a time when many parents have been seeking wisdom, the Lord directed Ravi to take the principles of RT4 and bring them to the family. Taking the healing principles of Rt4 (Radical Transformation 4 brings healings to emotions, behaviors, memories and emotions) he makes them super practical and individual to each child and parent.
Ravi has a beautiful way of connecting to the Lord to speak out a child’s destiny, while understanding today’s behaviors and their needs. As parent you will enjoy the practical solutions he gives for you to be more confident in your parenting and in the Lord.
With the leading of the Lord, in a time of personal need, Ravi Kandal encountered radical transformation. This brought about a complete shift for him personally. Now, marked with new found freedom, he understood this experience was not just for him. He had a message to help bring freedom to others. This season extended into three years of development producing what is now the RT4 coaching process. Rt4 has been a life changing experience for many.
We count it a privilege to journey with you to radical transformation for you personally and your family. Through this interactive training experience, we look forward to help you find your destiny and live the impactful life you desire.
Meet Ravi, Julie and Family
Since Ravi’s radical salvation he has been uniquely gifted to hear the audible voice of God, whom Ravi affectionately calls Daddy. This gift has allowed Ravi to make remarkable impacts around the world in various spheres from witch doctors to world leaders. This journey of obedience has opened doors for incredible opportunities not only to serve the physical needs of the broken and needy but also to impart healing, hope, and destiny to people around the world. Radical Transformation is the message imparted to Ravi during a time of personal turmoil. In an extended season of encounters with God, he not only stepped into personal restoration but into a profound understanding of how hurt is formed. With this understanding, Ravi was able to learn how healing can be released to a person’s behaviors, emotions, memories, and spiritual authority.
Ravi married his wife Julie and together in 2004 founded Kingdom Foundations. Both share a passion to see the love of Christ to encounter those living in darkness with tangible expressions of love and freedom. Currently, they reside with their four biological children in Lawrenceville, GA where they minister truth and destiny through God’s word. Separated by the ocean, but united as a family, their eight Indian, adult, adopted children reside in India.
In recent years, RT4 has been the focus of KFS. This transition with RT4 has only renewed their passion for the lost. They have found RT4 to be a powerful tool to connect people to Jesus in true freedom.